All applicants will be charged a $65.00 NON-REFUNDABLE application fee per adult (18 or older). *Each adult over 18 has to complete a separate application form.
We recommend that you confirm your rental requirements are not outside of our tenant criteria with multiple adult roommates, eviction history, foreclosures, bankruptcies, job loss, minimal income, low credit scores (below 500), unusual pets, large pets, multiple pets, multiple families, or anything that would cause your application to be rejected.
This application, background information, credit scores, rental history, criminal history, and employment verification will be viewed by Infinity Property Management authorized employees and the owner of the property. PLEASE NOTE we may screen multiple applications when choosing an applicant
Leasing Criteria
Before you apply for a home, read all of the following information concerning the approval process. If you have questions contact our office at 210.920.2228 during normal business hours Monday to Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Application Process and Screening Criteria
Infinity Property Management is committed to equal housing and we fully comply with the Federal Fair Housing Act (FFHA). We do not discriminate against anyone because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, family status, national origin, or age. We also comply with all state and local Fair Housing Laws. We offer application forms to everyone who requests one. Each occupant over the age of 18 must complete an application and pay the $65.00 application fee.
Approval is based on the following factors:
- Credit History
- Employment Verification and History
- IncomeVerification
- RentalVerificationandHistory
- Criminal Background Check
- Terrorist Database Search
- Pet Criteria
Each applicant is required to provide a copy of a Government issued photo ID card.
Income Verification
Income should be at least three (3) times the monthly rent and verifiable from an unbiased source: employer through pay stubs, tax returns, and/or bank statements. Self-employed income may be verified with a CPA-prepared financial statement or tax returns. Your employment history should reflect at least 6 months with your current employer. Transfers or relocations must have correspondence showing an accepted job offer. Any verification fees required by the employer must be paid by the applicant. Applicants who do not meet the above employment or income requirements must submit Saving Account statement showing a minimum average balance equal to 8 months of rental payments for the last 6 months.
We require verifiable employment history for at least the past three (3) years. You must be a permanent employee (not temporary or probationary). If you are self-employed, retired, or not employed, we can accept such documents as signed tax returns (2 years minimum), bank statements, etc. that provide proof of applicant’s ability to pay the rent. If military, we need a current copy of your LES. If you are active-duty military, you must be on an assignment that, to the best of your knowledge, will allow you to complete an initial 12 month lease.
Residence History
We require verifiable residence history for at least three (3) years whether you currently own or rent. Applicants are responsible for providing information including the names, addresses, and phone numbers of landlord with the dates of tenancy for the previous 3-5 years. Rental history must be verified from unbiased sources. Home ownership will be verified from a current credit report. We can accept base housing as rental history. Any evictions within the previous 5 years will be automatic ground for denial. Broken leases will be considered on a case by case basis and an additional security deposit may be required.
Credit History
We will obtain a copy of your credit report. You cannot provide this for us. Credit history should show that the resident has paid bills on time and does not have a history of debt “write-offs” or accounts that have gone into collection. Money owed to a previous landlord or utility company is cause for denial. Residency may also be denied due to poor credit history.
Infinity Property Management can offer applicants with a lower than 620 credit scores an opportunity to rent from us by offsetting the monetary risk for the owner and the management company on a case by case basis. Combined credit scores of 620 or higher are usually approved with normal rents, as advertised admin fees, and a security deposit equal to one month’s rent.
Applicants with less than a combined FICO score of 620 may be subject to a risk mitigation fee, or other proposed terms, as outlined below:
Combined Credit Score of 620-600 will require an additional risk mitigation fee of $250.00
Combined credit score of 599-550 will require an additional risk mitigation fee of $750.00
Combined credit score of 549 and below will require an additional risk mitigation fee equal to $1,250.00- and are subject to review and approval by upper management.
Denied Lease Approvals
Any credit score under 500, (330-499) are declined due to bad credit scores.
Calculating for the Combined Credit Score of Multiple Applicants
Add the two FICO credit scores together or both (or more) applicants and divide by the number of applicants in the home to arrive at the determining number for the approval process.
Example: 1) applicant ONE has a score of 600 2) applicant TWO has a score of 550 Gross Score= 1,150 Divide by two= (1,150/2) = 575 Combined FICO score
Offering an approval based upon total credit score below a 620 comes with risk to the landlord and property manager. As the apartment industry has done, an approval can be offered even to tenants with less than perfect credit as long as they can pay the additional fee associated with their credit scores to offset the risk involved for all parties.
THIS PROGRAM IS OFFERED ON A CASE BY CASE BASIS ONLY—weighing heavily on other factors outside of credit score to include income and rental history. Infinity Property Management maintains the right to retract this offer for any applicant based on other criteria associated with the application process.
Errors & Omissions
Every effort has been made to provide applicants with reliable and accurate information regarding the home you are applying for. However, changes can and do take place to cause inaccurate information to be accidentally presented. We encourage all tenants to verify schools, allowable pets, expected features, or any HOA concerned prior to signing a lease agreement. Any information posted in the MLS advertisement does NOT constitute a written agreement or guarantee of the facts stated.
Criminal, Sex offense, and Terrorist Database Check
We will check these databases for all occupants over 18. We do not rent to any person required to register as a sex offender. Criminal backgrounds involving violent crimes, prostitution, domestic violence, and/or involving the possession of weapons or illegal substance are all grounds for denial of an application. An exception may be made for type and or age of offense. Please provide details to the property manager.
Landlord Approved Tenant Liability Insurance
Required property damage liability insurance: all tenants are required to maintain property damage liability insurance on behalf of the landlord and property manager. Coverage is required in the amount of $100,00.00 for damage to both landlord and third parties’ property with the provisions covering at least the perils of fire, smoke, explosion, accidental water discharge and sewer backup. Infinity Property Management shall be named as an insured Party on resident’s policy. Such policy shall be written as a policy not contributing with, and not in excess of coverage that landlord may carry, and must waive all rights of subrogation against landlord and property manager. It is agreed that landlord carries insurance for its protection and that the tenants is not a beneficiary of such insurance. Tenant shall be responsible to landlord for all cost of repair for damages as stated in the Lease Agreement regardless of existing landlord insurance.
Tenants may OPT OUT of purchasing the required insurance through landlord’s preferred insurance provider at any time by providing written proof of the following items:
- Evidence of required insurance levels to show the policy is in effect, date it will start, and when it ends, and who is named on the policy.
- Infinity Property Management must be named as an “Additionally Insured” party to the insurance provided by the tenant.
III. Thetenantliabilitycoveragehastobeequaltoorgreaterthan$100,000inliabilitycoveragetotheproperty.
Cost through Infinity Property Management
$12.00 a month. Tenants are required to carry Tenant Liability Insurance. If tenant does not independently procure satisfactory insurance as above stated, then Tenant shall have the convenience of participation in the Tenant Liability Insurance program offered through landlord’s preferred insurance provider. This insurance will be automatically provided to the tenant for $12.00 a month, which amount shall be aggregated with rent and other monthly accruals and shall be added to the tenant ledger for timely payment each month. Tenant has the right to opt out of this requirement by providing adequate and acceptable coverage as illustrated in this paragraph and approved by landlord.
Failure to Maintain Insurance
If the tenant’s coverage for their independently self-procured tenant liability insurance is lapsed by either non-payment or non-renewal after lease execution. Infinity Property Management will place that tenant under this program by default for $12.00 per month plus a one time set-up fee of $50.00.
Coverage Notice
By electing the tenant liability insurance through landlord’s preferred provider via the automatic program set forth above, you will not be listed as a named insured under the owner’s policy. The tenant liability insurance policy is not designed to replace a renter’s personal liability insurance policy. No coverage is provided to cover tenant contents.
Rental Criteria for Animals
Animal policies vary from home to home. Some owners will not allow animals, while others have restrictions on the type or size of the animal. No more than two animals per household are permitted without specific owner’s’ approval.
Property Insurance Companies do not allow certain particular breeds of dogs, either purebred or mixed.
Tenants may evicted for misrepresenting any type of dog, as well as for being in possession of any possession of any poisonous, dangerous, endangered species or otherwise unauthorized animal. Our animal policies are strictly enforced and can be grounds for eviction. Special consideration is given to “Service Animals” that assists a tenant with special medical needs (proper and current documentation needed for verification).
We require with your application, a picture of each animal that will be on the property. Please email the pictures to [email protected]
We may require you to bring the animal(s) to our office for final approval. No aquariums larger than 10 gallons allowed.
No ferrets, reptiles or rodents of any kind of permitted.
Standard Animal Fees and Deposits
Lease Signing: $300.00 Animal administrating fee per approved animal. Annual: $100.00 animal inspection fee. This fee is due at lease renewal.
Notice to All Applicants
NO SMOKING is permitted inside the home or garage.
Disabled Accessibility
Any concerns should be submitted in writing to the property manager. We must obtain owner approval to allow modifications of the premises. All modifications are done at the expense of the disabled person, the disabled person must agree to restore the premises to the original condition (at their own expense). We require:
• Written proposals detailing the extent of the work to be done.
• Written assurances that the work is to be performed in a professional manner by a licensed/bonded contractor. • Written approval from the landlord before modifications is made.
• Appropriate building permits and required licenses made available for the landlord’s inspection.
• A restoration deposit may be required per Fair Housing guidelines.
School Boundaries
School enrollment concert should be investigated before submitting your applications. Applicants need to verify their own school information with the school district. Due to the expansive growth of this region, school enrollments get capped and school boundaries may change. We highly recommend you to contact the local school district since any of the school boundaries be a concern for the house you would like to rent.
Sex Offenders
Applicants can satisfy their concern regarding crime statistics or the presence of any sex offenders in the area before submitting their application. This information is available on the internet as the following sites:
• Sex Offenders
• San Antonio Crime Stats
Reasons for Denial of Applications
- If you failed to give proper notice when vacating a property.
- If previous landlord(s) would be unwilling to rent to you again for reasons pertaining to your behavior or that of any family
member, goes (welcome or not), your pets, or any animal on the property during your tenancy.
- If you have had three or more late payments of rent within the last 12 months.
- If you have an unpaid collection filed against you by a property management company
- If an unlawful detainer action or eviction has occurred within the past five (5) years.
- If you have recently revived a 3-day notice to vacate.
- If you have less than 620 credit score and refuse to abide by the additional risk mitigation fee as outlined.
- If you have had two (2) or more NSF checks within the last 12 months.
- If you have allowed any person(s), not on the lease, to reside on the premises.
- If we are unable to verify your information, we must deny the application.
- You are no allowed to operate any business. If you have a home based business that you think we might approve please let
the property manager know.
If you violate any of our terms of service during this application process.
Start of Lease
Vacant homes- Infinity Property Management has a policy that all leases on vacant homes must begin within 15 days of application approval. We are unable to hold the home rent free without a lease agreement longer than that time.
Occupied homes
Infinity Property Management will make known the first available date with all of the homes we manage. In some situations, those dates may need to change due to uncontrolled circumstances. We do ask the incoming tenant to be flexible. We understand this can create some burden so we do strike to have a solid date so incoming tenants can plan accordingly.
Optional: Move in With Lockbox Access
We do offer an optional feature during the leasing process and move in of your new home, we can offer the convenience of having access for the first time without having to get keys from our office by setting a lockbox out on your home. With this easy access option there is a $20.00 additional charge.
Need to Know Information
1. Infinity Property Management conducts periodic walk thru’s of the home you will live in. We take pictures of the interior and exterior of the house during those walk thru’s. The information and pictures we obtain will be kept on record and shared with the owner. If this procedure is not something you will adhere to- we recommend you do not apply for one of our homes.
2. During the last 60 days of you lease agreement: a sign and lockbox will be placed on the home and you will be required to show the home to prospective new tenants. You may opt out of this agreement, but it will cost an additional fee of one month’s rent to do so. RE: Paragraph 14- Lease Agreement
3. Infinity Property Management is a ZERO TOLERANCE company in regard to rent collection. Rent is due the 3rd of each month. LATE the 4th of each month. Late fees will begin midnight on the 3rd of each month and will continue until rent is paid. Late fees will be applied with no exception. We will be offering electronic payments for your convenience. We do not have a dropbox so all payments must be made during business hours. Monday to Friday 9:00am-5:00pm.
4. Site Un-Seen Application and Approval: Since it is possible to apply for the home, be approved, and sign a lease agreement without seeing one of our homes in person, we do require an incoming approved tenant to sign a Site Un-Seen addendum to the leasing agreement. In the form we ask you the name of your “Trusted Advisor” outside of Infinity Property Management who has offered you their opinion of the condition of the home.
Key Points to Summarize From this Disclosure:
- The $65.00 application fee per adult is NON-REFUNDABLE
- Your application can be cancelled-NON-REFUNDABLE-for failing to abide by the guidelines and terms stated.
- Combined credit scores of less than 620 may bring upon additional Risk Mitigation Fees.
- You may apply and rent this home without seeing it, Site Un-Seen with certain conditions.
- All animals must be disclosed on the application and put onto the Lease Agreement.
- There is a $300 animal administration fee per approved pet.
- There is a $100 annual animal inspection fee for any tenants with approved animals.
- All occupants must be disclosed on the application.
- School enrollment are the applicant’s responsibility.
- Homeowners Association concerns are the applicant’s responsibility.
- There is NO SMOKING inside the home or garage.
- Tenant liability insurance is REQUIRED and may be obtained through Infinity Property Management for $12.00 per month, per home.